Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Wedding Album Part 1


Mike and I decided it was time to get married. So we did. In like 3 days. We were heading down to the courthouse anyway, to get our tags for the new car. The office to get your marriage license was in the same building, so seeing as it is so difficult for Mike to get away from the office anyway, we jumped. And boy was it a heck of a jump. Our license was good forever, but we decided to just do it. 3 days, Jenna and I put this thing together. It was fabulous and everything Mike and I had ever wanted. We couldn’t be happier.


We did this totally Tracey style. I mean it was, “My Big Fat Goodwill Wedding”. It was so sweet and relaxed and beautiful. I was barefoot and we got almost all of our clothes at Goodwill. My dress, his shirt, pants and shoes; his tie came from the Salvation Army. I borrowed the white shrug I wore from Jenna. The head band was my biggest outfit expense at $10. Or maybe my hair color. It cost $10 plus a few extra bucks for the application brush and such. Anyway, enough chit chat, here are the pictures!Mr&MrsGoedkenMr. & Mrs. Goedken

CeremonyThe Ceremony

WedPartyWedding Party

From Left to Right: Jenna Alatorre, myself, Mike, and Jake.

RevBenRev. Ben Richardson

Groom&BestmanMike & Jake, his brother and Best Man.

Jeremy&MeMy cousin Jeremy & myself

Me&JakeMe & Jake

NewInlawsSteven, myself & Teresa Goedken



MischeviousTeresa, Mike’s mom, being mischievous.

WedBlissSteven and Teresa have been married 41 happy years.

TheRentsMike and his parents.



The entire wedding party and guests. This is it folks 8 people plus Rev. Ben, who took this picture. A special thanks to Vernon Alatorre who held the phone so my mother could listen to the ceremony from Tennessee. Also a special thanks to Jeremy Shepherd who spent his saved flier miles to be at the ceremony and he brought his equipment to film it. Thank you both!


Jenna is owed a huge thank you as well, but her efforts deserve their own post. 

More pictures to come.