Monday, July 22, 2013

Projects To Do

I already regret this, because, accountability. Here it goes anyway.

To Do Before The End Of The World:

Okay. Okay.

To Do Before Autumn:
That is as realistic a time frame as I can manage. Because, laziness.

To Do:
Clean out closet.
    -Sell clothes from clean out on Facebook making hundreds of dollars making a little cash.
    -Cram organize remaining clothes
Clean out giant box ‘o shoes.
    -Sell shoes on Facebook
    -Organize remaining shoes in plastic shoe boxes from the dollar store.
Create new seller account on Amazon.
Go through book shelves
    -Sell all of Mike’s game books. Not even remotely possible.
    -Sell any books that have been read and do not have a sentimental hold on me.
    -Sell any books that no longer seem interesting.
Completely reorganize my tiny ass kitchen.
    -Take dishes out of cabinets and display them on the metal shelving unit.
    -Take all the pantry items off metal shelving unit and shove place them neatly in the cabinets.
   -Become extraordinary home chef. (This may take awhile never happen.)
Find a better arrangement for my living room/dining room so I can have a sewing space that is not a take down/put up when needed. Also a space for this awesome orange chair.
Don’t you just love it?
Get in an exercise habit. HA HA HA HA *wheeze* Ha Ha Ha Ha *gulps air* ha ha ha ha *breathes* No, seriously.
Eat healthier. (Don’t laugh, it’s srs biz.)
Clean, organize and redecorate our bedroom.
Generally clean All The Things.
Okay, maybe trying to get all this done by Autumn is not very realistic, but Imma give it my best effort. Probably.


  1. Selling books would be the most difficult task for me. Even if I hate the book I think someone might like it.

  2. Oh it is a difficult task. Letting them go. Books are a source of comfort to me, like an anti anxiety pill would be. Spending many many days volunteering in the local library, during some of the most difficult days of my childhood, brought me much needed escape and a feeling that I was doing something important. Even now, when I am having a high anxiety day, simply sitting down and reading, takes my mind to a place where it can calm itself.

    But if you could see my house and the book selves. Hmm, maybe I will take pictures and make a post of it.
